Leading think-tank & Luminaries Dr. Inese Vaidere,Ilze Indriksone,Prof.Ivars Kalviņš,Anda Caksa will be talking on the theme “Оpen Innovation: from the…

Leading think-tank & Luminaries Dr. Inese Vaidere,Ilze Indriksone,Prof.Ivars Kalviņš,Anda Caksa will be talking on the theme “Оpen Innovation: from the…
Prof. Solomon Darwin hailed as the Father of Smart Village Movement, Director of Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation and the…
From 21 to 22 September 2023, the Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences will host the VI…
Institute of Economics of The Latvia Academy of Science proposes uninterrupted economic reforms to address long standing Challenges in the…
Prof. Solomon Darwin, Prof Dr Inese Vaidere, Ilze Indriksone, Anda Caksa, Dr Ivars Kalvins, Dr. Nina Linde, Dr. Kannan Vishwanatth,…
The theme of the VI International Economic Forum is Open Innovation: from the Creativity of the Individual to an Innovative…