Leading think-tank & Luminaries Dr. Inese Vaidere,Ilze Indriksone,Prof.Ivars Kalviņš,Anda Caksa will be talking on the theme “Оpen Innovation: from the…

Leading think-tank & Luminaries Dr. Inese Vaidere,Ilze Indriksone,Prof.Ivars Kalviņš,Anda Caksa will be talking on the theme “Оpen Innovation: from the…
Prof. Solomon Darwin, Prof Dr Inese Vaidere, Ilze Indriksone, Anda Caksa, Dr Ivars Kalvins, Dr. Nina Linde, Dr. Kannan Vishwanatth,…
Top Chemical Engineer & Global Researcher Dr Kannan Vishwanatth will be addressing at the VI International Economic Forum of The…