Prof. Solomon Darwin hailed as the Father of Smart Village Movement, Director of Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation and the executive director of the Canter for Growth Markets at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley & Founder of Berkeley Innovation Forum will be presenting a Keynote address at the VI International Economic Forum under the theme OPEN INNOVATION: from the Creativity of the Individual to an Innovative Science-Based Economy on SEPTEMBER 21-22, 2023 at The Institute of Economics of The Latvian Academy of Sciences.
Prof. Solomon Darwin has been at the forefront of building an eco system that allows Open Innovation said “At a time of crisis, innovation is critical to accelerating solutions but we need to tap into the global brain for latent ideas and IP that are already available to the world. To quote William Gibson “The future is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed”. To paraphrase his quote “All the solutions and technology needed are here already in people’s minds but they are not together. It is like all the pieces of the puzzle are on the table but they need to be brought together. This takes the “Open Innovation” process at a time like this to accelerate solutions. Collective intelligence is essential as our brains are too small. We cannot say to others that we do not need them as we need global brainpower to solve a crisis. For this reason, God created us to be interdependent to care for one another -we are our brother’s keeper. “The solutions are already here – but they need to come together – as they are not evenly distributed”. We are now realizing that there is a dire need in this world for benevolent leadership on the planet. Modern businesses need to embrace “open innovation” for success, which means sourcing ideas and solutions from a wide range of people and organisations outside their own organisation to boost productivity and bring innovation. Many global leaders in industry are embracing ‘open innovation’ as a progressive business strategy. It has enormous potential across all industries, not just in technology. Businesses must skilfully combine the principles of open innovation, adapting both internal and external ideas to enhance efficiency, resulting in progress for their organisations and the industry as a whole”.

The International Economic Forum is being held for the sixth year. The event is organized by the Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. The activities of the Institute are aimed at studying economic issues significant for Latvia, searching for and creating innovative and scientifically proven solutions. At present, the Institute is one of the leading economic research centers with extensive partnerships in Europe and other countries. The mission of the Institute is to contribute to the development of the Latvian economy by introducing recommendations for the government, local governments, and public and private sectors of the Republic of Latvia based on research, competent assessments, and expert opinions. As a result of the forum, recommendations will be prepared for the development of the innovative economy of Latvia.
More information about the forum and registration: Information for the media: Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Renars Raubiskis, +371 20207092.